Origins of the show

Don’t Adjust Your Mindset is artist Pete McKee’s response to what he observed online during the 2020/21 lockdowns. This mixed media show explores various concepts and ideas derived from looking at social media. 

“During the pandemic everyone’s life was completely turned upside down with most of us increasing the time they spent online, especially on social media. I turned to my phone for companionship and used it as a window to the outside world. When scrolling its screen over the following months, I saw a mixture of anger, injustice, LOLs, contrary opinions, misinformation and a plethora of community-spirited endeavours to lift the mood of the nation. It was like someone had found society’s volume button and turned it up to 11. I decided to start organising and making sense of what I saw by creating art which examined the world that surrounds us, much of which we view through a device.” - Pete McKee 

The work is grouped into sections. The first room explores social issues; the second features pieces of a political nature. Finally, the third room directly focuses on digital culture. The artist invites you to step inside – and adjust your mindset... 

Please note that this exhibition contains some offensive language and cartoon violence.